Daily Summer Checklist

family of 6 sitting on a deck smiling at the camera

Here is a snapshot of my beautiful, crazy life. As you can see, someone is always crying – in this photo it’s my Mitchell.  He was pretty upset because he had just climbed into the water table and was happily sitting there.  Then we suddenly removed him to take this family selfie, we are the worst, aren’t we ?! 

In this season of life someone is always unhappy, or needing something or breaking something or as evidenced by this picture, crying. That is just life right now in the trenches of motherhood. It is hard and messy and overwhelming and beautiful, exhilarating and abundant all at the same time. 

I created this Daily Summer Checklist last year (2019) and I wanted to update this post and share it with you all again!

School’s Out

School’s out and that means summer break is here. Being stuck at home has made this “break” feel even longer than usual, and I, for one, need a little pick me up, a little help, a little structure. 

I made this Daily Summer Checklist last year and it was useful for my two big kids, Teddy and Millie. It is not a miracle, it does not make life perfect, but it does help. 

I was looking for our checklists and couldn’t remember where they were stored. Thankfully, we were cleaning out some art supplies and found them. In fact, my kids found them and they were SUPER excited. Yes, I’m sure the novelty will wear off in a few weeks. However, right now they are super into the charts, the checks marks and the to do lists. So I’m riding this wave of structure and organization and I wanted to share this with you again this year. 

Daily Summer Checklist May 2019

Summer is here….I have four kids and I need to have some structure and organization in my life.

Yes, I need my kids to do some stuff around the house, practice their sports and academics, play outside, and preform basic self care tasks.  And so I did what we all do – I googled that and found a few ideas (thanks, Pinterest). But all of the charts I found that I actually liked cost $ (insert boo noise here). So I made this Summer Daily Checklist myself and am putting it here for you to use for FREE!

Download it, print it, and laminate it, like I did. Let your kids pick out their favorite color dry erase marker and make the chart fun for them. I can’t guarantee it will work, but we are on day one over here and the twins are napping and my big kids just cleaned the entire disaster of a loft without me even asking – yep, that happened! I’m as shocked as you are! They are so content with the downtime they have right now that I am actually sitting here typing up this super fast, totally unedited blog post. What the what? Is this real life? Well, today it is! Tomorrow this could fail, but I will take today as a triumph 🙂

Now get to it mamas (and dadas and all other caregivers)



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